black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Soluciones de ingeniería civil confiables y sustentables

Desarrollamos proyectos innovadores con alta confianza y eficiencia.

Cálculo estructural

Proyectos que cumplen con normatividad vigente y calidad.

Estudios geológicos y medioambientales para tu proyecto.

Construcción de obras con enfoque sustentable y eficiente.

Asesoría experta

Innovación y confianza en ingeniería civil

En 1102 Ideas, Diseño y Cambio Estrcuctural ofrecemos soluciones óptimas en ingeniería civil, priorizando proyectos sustentables y la satisfacción de nuestros clientes a través de asesoría experta y cumplimiento normativo.

Two men are working high up on a steel structure, likely part of a large bridge or building framework. They are dressed in work clothes and appear to be engaged in construction or maintenance tasks. The background shows the intricate lattice of the structure, indicating an engineering feat.
Two men are working high up on a steel structure, likely part of a large bridge or building framework. They are dressed in work clothes and appear to be engaged in construction or maintenance tasks. The background shows the intricate lattice of the structure, indicating an engineering feat.
Soluciones efectivas y confiables.

Contamos con el apoyo y representación de las marcas de mayor prestigio en el país.



1102 Ideas, Diseño y Cambio Estructural S.A. de C.V. Empresa 100% mexicana, comprometida con la innovación y el desarrollo sustentable. Nos destacamos por estar a la vanguardia en diversas disciplinas, ofreciendo soluciones integrales en diseño, construcción y transformación estructural.

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings
a man riding a skateboard down a street next to tall buildings


Ofrecer servicios de asesoría experta y soluciones innovadoras, así como ejecutar trabajos apegados a la normatividad vigente, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes, cumpliendo con las expectativas en cuanto a calidad, tiempo y seguridad


Consolidarnos como una empresa responsable, vanguardista y multidisciplinaria en el campo de la ingeniería civil, en el ámbito nacional e internacional, reconocida por la calidad de nuestros servicios, por la seriedad y profesionalismo en nuestro trabajo, y sobre todo por dar alternativas de solución acordes a las necesidades de cada proyecto

Responsabilidad social.

La política de responsabilidad social nos inspira cada día para ser mejores, para mejorar la calidad de nuestro trabajo, para minimizar el impacto de nuestras decisiones sobre el medio ambiente y para cuidar las relaciones con nuestros empleados. Tenemos en cuenta en nuestros procesos de toma de decisiones nuestro sentido de responsabilidad social y contribuimos con acciones que beneficien a nuestro entorno.

Servicios de Ingeniería

Ofrecemos soluciones innovadoras en ingeniería civil para proyectos sustentables y de confianza.

Workers in protective gear are seen on a construction site characterized by metal beams, scaffolding, and wooden supports. They appear to be engaged in construction tasks on a large infrastructure project, possibly a bridge or a similar structure.
Workers in protective gear are seen on a construction site characterized by metal beams, scaffolding, and wooden supports. They appear to be engaged in construction tasks on a large infrastructure project, possibly a bridge or a similar structure.
Cálculo Estructural

Diseñamos estructuras seguras y eficientes, cumpliendo con normativas vigentes.

Geotecnia Avanzada

Realizamos estudios geotécnicos para garantizar la estabilidad de tus proyectos.

Construcción Sostenible

Implementamos prácticas de construcción que favorecen el medio ambiente y la economía.

Proyectos Innovadores

Desarrollamos proyectos sustentables con soluciones óptimas en ingeniería.

A large, intricately designed bridge arches over a reflective body of water, creating a symmetrical image with its reflection. The structure is composed of metal and stone elements, showcasing detailed engineering work. In the background, there is a cityscape with various tall buildings under a cloudy sky, giving an urban feel.
A large, intricately designed bridge arches over a reflective body of water, creating a symmetrical image with its reflection. The structure is composed of metal and stone elements, showcasing detailed engineering work. In the background, there is a cityscape with various tall buildings under a cloudy sky, giving an urban feel.
Ingeniería Geotécnica

Estudios y análisis para proyectos seguros y eficientes.

Workers are engaged in construction activities on a railway track, with two prominent pillars in the background. Several individuals can be seen working along the track, including one person climbing a pole. The area is set in a vast landscape with hills in the distance, and the sky is dotted with fluffy clouds.
Workers are engaged in construction activities on a railway track, with two prominent pillars in the background. Several individuals can be seen working along the track, including one person climbing a pole. The area is set in a vast landscape with hills in the distance, and the sky is dotted with fluffy clouds.
Cálculo Estructural

Diseños estructurales que garantizan seguridad y cumplimiento normativo.

Workers wearing safety gear are engaged in construction activities at a site with rocky terrain. They are handling large metal rods, possibly for reinforcing concrete structures. Piles of earth and construction materials surround the area.
Workers wearing safety gear are engaged in construction activities at a site with rocky terrain. They are handling large metal rods, possibly for reinforcing concrete structures. Piles of earth and construction materials surround the area.
Two construction workers are involved in infrastructure development beside a body of water. One worker is positioned on the edge of the embankment, wearing a helmet and an orange safety vest, preparing machinery. The other worker is on a floating platform, guiding or holding a large metal sheet beside tall reeds. Graffiti decorates the brick wall in the background, adding an urban element to the environment.
Two construction workers are involved in infrastructure development beside a body of water. One worker is positioned on the edge of the embankment, wearing a helmet and an orange safety vest, preparing machinery. The other worker is on a floating platform, guiding or holding a large metal sheet beside tall reeds. Graffiti decorates the brick wall in the background, adding an urban element to the environment.
Construcción Sustentable

Ejecutamos construcciones alineadas con estándares de sustentabilidad.

Consultoría Ambiental

Estudios completos para proyectos que respetan el medio ambiente.

Opiniones Clientes

Nuestros clientes confían en nosotros por la calidad de nuestros servicios.

La atención y profesionalismo de 1102 ideas superó nuestras expectativas en el proyecto.

Juan Pérez
Workers are engaged in construction or maintenance on a bridge with large structures and visible machinery. The setting appears industrial, with several people actively working and smoke rising from various points. Buildings are visible in the background, and the bridge features signage with the phrase 'STOP FOR BUNK.'
Workers are engaged in construction or maintenance on a bridge with large structures and visible machinery. The setting appears industrial, with several people actively working and smoke rising from various points. Buildings are visible in the background, and the bridge features signage with the phrase 'STOP FOR BUNK.'

Ciudad México

1102 ideas brindó soluciones efectivas y rápidas, cumpliendo con todas nuestras necesidades en el proyecto de construcción.

A rural road passing under a railway bridge carrying a green cargo train with the label 'Incobrasa Industries LTD.' The bridge is made of metal and concrete, and the surrounding vegetation is lush and green. The road has two lanes with yellow lines in the middle and leads up to the bridge with clear skies in the background.
A rural road passing under a railway bridge carrying a green cargo train with the label 'Incobrasa Industries LTD.' The bridge is made of metal and concrete, and the surrounding vegetation is lush and green. The road has two lanes with yellow lines in the middle and leads up to the bridge with clear skies in the background.
María López

